GET CONNECTED with our CHURCH FAMILY … responding to human need

Alternative Gifts 2024

Honor a special person on your gift list and support one or more of Lewinsville’s mission projects with a tax deductible contribution.

The Mission and Service Ministry Group is providing the opportunity to transform a donation into a Christmas gift through the ALTERNATIVE GIFT program during the season of Advent.  You will receive a special card which you may give to your loved one or friend that notes you made a donation in their honor to one or more special charitable organizations.  This is a wonderful and easy way to honor loved ones, friends, teachers, neighbors, service providers and others on your Christmas gift list and simultaneously provide a tax-deductible gift to support one or more Lewinsville mission projects.  All that you need to do is consider all of the people you wish to honor in this meaningful way, identify the organization(s) you wish to support with your charitable contribution, obtain a beautiful ALTERNATIVE GIFT cards for each person you are honoring, and write one check (payable to Lewinsville Presbyterian Church) on Sunday mornings at church, or you may donate below. 

▪ NOTE: Complete the form below to establish the line item(s) to which you intend to make a contribution. When you click the SUBMIT button, you will be taken to the Alternative Gift giving page to complete your online transaction. If you would prefer to handle your transaction offline, simply close your browser window and mail your check after submitting your donation form below. You can give a donation in honor of your loved one to provide financial support to our mission partners, as listed on the form below.

Beautiful cards are available for you to let the honoree know that an Alternative Gift has been given in their name. For more information about these Lewinsville mission partners and the Alternative Gifts program, please contact Augusta Niday at or Alan Stevens at

Alternative Gifts 2024

"*" indicates required fields

    Read about each organization below.
    Indicate the dollar amount for any organization(s) you would like to support. You may choose one organization or many.

    THE FRIENDS OF THE LEWINSVILLE: – This social services support organization of our own Lewinsville Retirement Residence (LRR) provides programs and support services not covered by the HUD housing assistance program for residents of LRR. The “Friends” will use Alternative Gift contributions for subsidizing the meal program for LRR residents.

    CHESTERBROOK CONTINUING CARE FUND: Lewinsville is one of the three faith communities who founded Chesterbrook Residence. The Chesterbrook continuing care fund supports residents in financial need so that no one ever has to leave Chesterbrook due to their inability to pay.

    UNITED ORPHANAGE & ACADEMY: The UO&A in Moi’s Bridge, Kenya is supported primarily by three Northern Virginia Presbyterian churches (including Lewinsville) and provides housing, meals, clothing, health care and education for more than 50 orphans. Additionally, the academy provides grade 1 – 8 education for 203 children from the orphanage and surrounding area. UO&A also supports 17 orphans who are now attending vocational schools, colleges, and universities.

    PRESBYTERIAN DISASTER ASSISTAINCE (Hurricane Relief)- All donations will be used to provide assistance to the victims of Hurricane Helene and Milton

    FALLS CHURCH MCLEAN CHILDREN CENTER: This pre-school which Lewinsville and many of its members helped to establish in 1968, provides a comprehensive, high-quality early childhood program designed to give young children, regardless of their family’s economic resources, a strong foundation on which to build the rest of their lives. Alternative Gift contributions will be used to supplement tuition for students in need.

    OTHER MISSION PARTNER: You must specify a mission partner listed in the Lewinsville Mission Handbook.

    Note, please jot down the TOTAL donation in the gray box at right and write it in below (You will need to enter this amount to complete your online transaction):

    Donation Cards:
    This form must be submitted by Thursday, December 16th to receive cards before Christmas.
    Do you want special donation cards mailed to you?*

    Payment Choice:
    How do you want to submit your payment?*

    Next Step: Please click the Submit Button on the left below to submit this form. Your browser window will go to the Alternative Gifts donation page where you can complete your transaction using the total on this form. If you would rather make your payment via check, follow the instructions on your confirmation email that you will receiving immediately after submitting this form. Thank you!