Honor a special person on your gift list and support one or more of Lewinsville’s mission projects with a tax deductible contribution.
The Mission and Service Ministry Group is providing the opportunity to transform a donation into a Christmas gift through the ALTERNATIVE GIFT program during the season of Advent. You will receive a special card which you may give to your loved one or friend that notes you made a donation in their honor to one or more special charitable organizations. This is a wonderful and easy way to honor loved ones, friends, teachers, neighbors, service providers and others on your Christmas gift list and simultaneously provide a tax-deductible gift to support one or more Lewinsville mission projects. All that you need to do is consider all of the people you wish to honor in this meaningful way, identify the organization(s) you wish to support with your charitable contribution, obtain a beautiful ALTERNATIVE GIFT cards for each person you are honoring, and write one check (payable to Lewinsville Presbyterian Church) on Sunday mornings at church, or you may donate below.
▪ NOTE: Complete the form below to establish the line item(s) to which you intend to make a contribution. When you click the SUBMIT button, you will be taken to the Alternative Gift giving page to complete your online transaction. If you would prefer to handle your transaction offline, simply close your browser window and mail your check after submitting your donation form below. You can give a donation in honor of your loved one to provide financial support to our mission partners, as listed on the form below.
Beautiful cards are available for you to let the honoree know that an Alternative Gift has been given in their name. For more information about these Lewinsville mission partners and the Alternative Gifts program, please contact Augusta Niday at thenidays@gmail.com or Alan Stevens at avslc11@verizon.net.
Alternative Gifts 2024
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