GET CONNECTED with our CHURCH FAMILY … responding to human need

Are you or is someone you know going through a difficult time? Stressful circumstances happen in all of our lives at one time or another. They include, but are not limited to, depression over the loss of a job, grief at the death of a loved one, the necessity of surgery and hospitalization, and coping with a long-term illness or aging. When the crisis comes, it is helpful to have someone who cares nearby to listen. Our congregation has trained members called Deacon/Stephen Ministers who offer a ministry of Christian caring for those in need.

Stephen Ministers have received at least 40 hours of intensive training covering topics such as effective listening, confidentiality, the stress of hospitalization, and utilizing community resources, just to name a few. In addition to the training, these Christian caregivers continue to receive once monthly continuing education and supervision support, as they offer Christian care giving.

This ministry is confidential, it is one-on-one and men minister to men and women minster to women. If this is something you know you could use or if you know of someone you think would benefit from a Stephen Minister, please contact one of our Stephen Leaders: Karen Siple or Davi McDonald or contact Rev. Peter Manning, 703-356-7200.

What is Stephen Ministry?

Stephen Ministry is grounded in Jesus’ command to love one another. Through one-to-one caring relationships, those who are hurting receive the love and care they need to support them.

  • Is life more than you can handle alone right now?
  • Are your health, your attitude, or your relationships suffering?
  • Are you adjusting to a new job, a change in marital status, a serious illness, the death of a loved one, a recent move?
  • Would you like to have someone in your life who can help to share God’s care and love with you?

Everyone goes through difficult times. Having someone to care, to listen, to share God’s love with you can help you get through the confusion, stress, or loneliness you may be experiencing.


How does the referrals process work?

  • A person — either you, a relative, or a friend — is hurting and in need of Christian care.
  • The Stephen Ministry Referrals Coordinator learns about a person in need for care from the pastor, the person, or a friend, always with the person’s permission.
  • The Referrals Coordinator meets with the person to talk about Stephen Ministry.
  • With the person’s permission, the Referrals Coordinator assigns a Stephen Minister to meet on a regular basis with the person.
  • The Stephen Minister continues to provide distinctively Christian care for the person with strict confidentiality.

What is a Stephen Minister?

A Stephen Minister is …

  • a child of God who walks beside a hurting person;
  • a caring Christian friend who really listens;
  • a lay person who has received 40 hours of training in how to provide distinctively Christian care.

A Stephen Minister is NOT …

  • a counselor or therapist;
  • a problem-solver
  • a casual visitor.

Stephen Ministry helps meet the needs of individuals who are …

  • hospitalized or terminally ill;
  • going through birth, adoption, miscarriage or infertility;
  • bereaved;
  • in a job crisis;
  • experiencing divorce or separation;
  • disabled or homebound;
  • lonely;
  • in a spiritual crisis;
  • looking for a caring, Christian friend.

DOWNLOAD/VIEW our 2019-2020 Stephen Ministry Brochure