Stewardship 2023
The church is at a moment of new possibilities. The world is at a moment of need.
Lewinsville Presbyterian Church is at a remarkable point in its history. Having completed a major renovation of our ministry facility at the corner of Great Falls Street and Chain Bridge Road, and emerging from the global Covid-19 pandemic, Lewinsville is poised to make a significant impact in the life of our neighborhood and community. In our era of intense polarization, widespread estrangement from those who are different, and deepening anxiety and stress, the ministry of Lewinsville has never been more needed than it is right now.
We want to journey into the heart of God – where we will discover how much we are loved; how deeply God grieves over the pain of the world; and how we are being called to live our lives in response to God’s grace.
Your participation and investment in the life and mission of Lewinsville is crucial – now, more than ever.
The simplest way to make your pledge is to click the “Make Your 2023 Pledge Online” button below and filling out the information there.
We are looking to you to make the mission and ministry of Lewinsville Presbyterian Church possible at this moment. Now, more than ever. The world is at a moment of need. The church is at a moment of new possibilities.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Pastor Scott or John Day, coordinator and chair of the Stewardship Committee.
Place pledge card in the collection box in the Narthex
or mail to
Lewinsville Presbyterian Church
Attention: Stewardship/Jeanne Melone
1724 Chain Bridge Road
McLean, Virginia 22101