Sunday, March 5, 2023 at 11:00 am – Online Worship
Second Sunday in Lent
Sermon: Newness of Life – Rev. Dr. Scott Ramsey, preaching
Sermon Series: Journey to the C ross
Scripture: Genesis 12:1-4a; John 3:1-17
Click on the SAVE PDF button above to view/download the sermon text.
ABOUT OUR LENTEN SERMON SERIES: Throughout this program year, we are on a Journey into the Heart of God, as we sink ourselves down into God’s heart of grace, power, strength, and love. That journey includes several other journeys. During Advent, we were on a Journey to Bethlehem. During January, we were on a Journey to Freedom. During the season of Lent, we are on a Journey to the Cross. With this journey, we draw very close to the center of God’s heart, as the cross reveals God’s merciful heart at its most poignant, most painful, and most loving.
As a visual symbol of this journey, each week of Lent will see the cross in a different place in our building. It will begin the season in the rotunda, from which point it will move to St. Andrews Hall, and then to the narthex. Then it will move into the sanctuary, and finally to the center of the chancel for Good Friday, where we will again nail our sins to the cross, turning them over to Jesus.
If you have an internet-enabled TV in your home, you may wish to watch the service on the big screen via our YouTube Channel or our Vimeo Channel. Search on “Lewinsville Presbyterian” to find.
Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-708462