Jeremiah 29:13-14 (NRSV)
When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart, I will let you find me, says the Lord, and I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where I have driven you, says the Lord, and I will bring you back to the place from which I sent you into exile.
Jeremiah’s letter encourages us to seek Jesus with all our heart and he will restore our fortunes and gather us and bring us back to the right place. This is one way that God calls us to live and serve together. Encouragement from our Christian community to become involved with one another makes the church such a rich foundation. Learning to tolerate our shortcomings comes from the strength of our faith. Having faith in God’s plan for us is encouraging and humbling. Hope that the good is here even when we’re down on our luck helps us to move on and keep going.
When I first joined Lewinsville I had my firstborn and then the next year I had our second son. I became involved with the nursery and made such bonds with other parents and families. Then two families organized a peer group called “Kids ‘N Us” that became such a strong foundation for commitment to faith in the community. We met on Friday nights to enjoy dinner, activities, and fellowship. We all had help from each other with the everyday challenges of raising children and the kids became “fast” friends. That was such a rich Christian relationship and I feel like I even grew up! I will forever cherish those friends!
As our kids grew to Sunday School I became involved with the Christian Education Committee. It was yet another bonding with our faith-based fellows. Boy oh boy, did I ever grow in faith there. From Vacation Bible School to confirmation it meant so much to my family.
I also became involved with the flower committee. I received such training and encouragement there. I studied sculpture in college and this new (to me) vehicle seemed to be such a natural fit. We’ve all learned so much from each member…from technique and design to logistical reasoning and maintenance. Then there was the Presbyterian Women’s Group…and then Bible Study…and then Session…all which kept me growing in faith on my journey. The steadfast love I’ve grown to feel at Lewinsville is a true gift from God. I have been so blessed.
Heavenly Father thank you for your constant love, forgiveness, insight, and guidance in this frightening world. Thank you for showing me to share my love with others and to embrace our relationships. Help me to recognize when someone needs help from me be it a hug, a nudge, a compliment, some advice, or simply a smile. Also, Lord, help me to be humble in my relationships and within myself. Amen.
Lexa Reuter