Youth Sunday School: 1st, 2nd, and 4th Sundays of the month youth are invited to youth Sunday School 9:30-10:30am in the youth room. These classes are set aside for youth to learn about the Bible. Questions and imagination are encouraged!
Messy Church The 3rd Sunday of the month Youth take part in Messy Church. The Youth volunteer as leaders as a way of learning more about their faith and providing them the opportunity to share their faith with others.
Confirmation is a pivotal time in adolescent faith development. It is a time for youth to explore, develop, and claim a faith of their own. We will take time to dive into scripture, ask questions, explore other faith traditions, and put words to our own beliefs. Confirmation IS NOT having all the answer or have following a prescribed check-list. Confirmation IS a fun time of exploration in a relaxed environment of friends, mentors, and community support.
Confirmation will begin this fall with a series of 101 classes. Bible 101, Theology 101, and PCUSA 101. More information to come on the time and place of these classes.