GET CONNECTED with our CHURCH FAMILY … responding to human need

We need people to serve in service to the older adults in our community, and we invite our older adults to find volunteer opportunities that enrich their lives.  There are a plethora of opportunities for those who are active, many listed on the website.  But, there are also opportunities for less mobile seniors.

Volunteers Opportunities, Long Term:

  • Serve on the Older Adult Council, which coordinates, communicates and advocates
  • Serve as Board Members at Lewinsville Retirement Residence, Chesterbrook, and Ingleside
  • Serve on the Board of Community organizations like The Shepherd’s Center
  • Work with older adults as a Deacon/Stephens Minister

Volunteer Opportunities, Short & Long Term:

Help at Lewinsville Retirement Residence(LRR) next door:

  • Help organize and support the LRR Picnic (residents often need someone to walk them from their room to the dining room)
  • Accompany LRR residents on field trips
  • Contact The Lewinsville at Courtney Nuzzo, Administrator, or Lorraine Redman, Assistant Administrator, at 703-442-8660.

Volunteer opportunities at Chesterbrook:

  • Visit residents at dinner in the dining hall (4:30-6:00)
  • Help with games like bridge, or bingo (callers needed Tuesdays and Fridays at 2:00 pm)
  • Help in the gift shop from 1:15-3:00 pm one afternoon a month
  • Share your interests or travels with the residents or participate in a lecture series, particularly needed weekday afternoons
  • Help with occasional office work
  • Contact Claire Grossi at 703-887-8650.

Volunteer opportunities at S.H.A.R.E.:

  • Food and clothing bank in McLean that’s open on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Email or call 703-229-1414 to volunteer.
  • Special help needed before the holidays – both donations and/or work volunteers. Contact

Opportunities at Lewinsville:

  • Knitters & Crocheters:  For those who enjoy crafts, the Lost Sheep Stitchers knit and crochet prayer shawls and afghans for frail members and those with serious illnesses.  They meet at the church the first and third Mondays of the month, but people unable to attend are welcome to stitch at home. Visit our Prayer Shawl Ministry Page or contact: Carol Kaffenberger 703-407-6311
  • Blood Drives:  The quarterly Blood Drives always need volunteers to check people in and serve cookies and juice to the blood donors.  Contact Blood Drive Coordinator Roy Siple at 703-757-2899.
  • Worship Participation:  You can sing in a Choir, help arrange flowers for worship (contact Pam Deese at 703-790-9263) or deliver flowers after worship (contact the Church Office at 703-356-7200).
  • Coffee Hour Help:  Volunteers help prepare coffee and lemonade for coffee hour after worship.
  • Office Assistance:  The church office can often use extra hands preparing bulletins or mailings. Contact Braylon James at 703-356-7200

Opportunities in the community at large:

  • The Shepherd’s Center needs drivers to take older people to doctors’ appointments, and frequently to walk them into the office and/or stay while they meet with the doctor, or with additional programs.  Contact Betty Douglass (703-241-3793)
  • Do you like to work with children? Be a Reading Buddy through our new partnership with Westgate Elementary School.  Volunteers meet once a week for an hour to help children who are learning to read, and those who are reading to learn.  Training will be provided. Contact Karen Siple at 703-757-2899.

See additional volunteer opportunities: