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Videos on Education

AFTER THE REFORMATION: REFORMED POLITICAL THOUGHT IN THE 18TH AND 19TH CENTURIES – democracy (enfranchisement of the “common man”) 

This class is designed to make sense of certain changes that took place in Reformed political thought in the period after the passions generated by the Protestant Reformation cooled. Last week the focus was on the Reformed response to the great political revolutions that occurred in the late 1700’s, and the development that was emphasized above all was the abandonment of theocratic…


 The foundations of Reformed political thought were laid in the 16th and 17 centuries, when the passions unleashed by the Reformation were still strong and the outcome of the competition for power among the contending religious forces was still very much in doubt in several places. But by the late 1700’s and, even more, the 1800’s, all this was less and less…

“In Loco Parentis” and Spiritual Growth

How can we embrace Jesus’ call to “welcome children” within our congregation and community? This 3-week series delves into the themes of childhood, caregiving, and spiritual development. Today, Adam Diaz, Director of Wellness at Landon School and PhD candidate in childhood psychology, presents on “Understanding and Supporting Children and Families in Today’s Culture.”

The Continuing Reformation of the Church – Then and Now

On October 27th, we were honored to welcome Rev. Dr. Joseph Small back to Lewinsville for Reformation Sunday. Dr. Small, who served as the director of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Office of Theology and Worship from 1989-2011, led a session titled “The Continuing Reformation of the Church – Then and Now.” Dr. Small is a distinguished author, having written numerous influential works…

Spirituality and Aging

The below video is from a class that explored the spirituality of aging. Dorothy Linthicum, an instructor from Virginia Theological Seminary, discusses how Spirituality can enrich and deepen the aging process, including in the process of death and dying. How can spiritual practices guide us on our journeys?

Job Preparedness

Lewinsville Presbyterian Church and Redeemer Lutheran Church of McLean, Virginia, are partnering to launch a monthly series of panel discussions on “Pathways Out of Poverty in Northern Virginia.” This event focused on Job Preparedness. The event features Michelle Morgan, Administrator of the Fairfax County Adult High School; Paul Steiner, Adult and Community Education Administrator for Fairfax County Public Schools; Laura Siko, Director…