Lewinsville has many members and friends who participate generously in our worship services through contributions to the flower ministry. Contributions are used by Flower Committee volunteers to create appropriate floral displays for each service of worship. Typically, individuals will choose to contribute flowers for the sanctuary on a specific Sunday in honor of a special occasion or in memory of a loved one. Following Sunday worship, the donated flowers are typically delivered to members of the congregation. However, if a donor would like some flowers from the arrangement at the conclusion of Sunday’s service, please advise the Church office at the time you discuss wording for the bulletin related to your gift.
You may use the form below to sign up online. A contribution of $120 for Sanctuary flowers is suggested. After completing the online form, you will be redirected to the Flower Contribution tile to complete your transaction online. If you prefer to pay via check, follow the instructions included in your confirmation email.
If the date you prefer is taken, you may choose to contribute flowers for the Narthex on that date. Call Sandy in the church office (703-356-7200) to make arrangements for flowers in the Narthex. The suggested donation amount for Narthex flowers is $70.
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