Recorded on October 27, 2019 at Lewinsville Presbyterian Church.
Lewinsville Presbyterian Church Chancel Choir with Tracy Jenkins on Bagpipes, John Nothaft on the organ.
Arrangement by arr. Will Nichols
Rock of ages, we will always be
faithful and loyal to our God we sing.
In times of darkness, we will pray to thee,
Sing to your glory, with our thanks and praise.
Gone the past, let us start anew, let hope and peace always remain.
Spirit of God be strong and true, then your children will smile again.
Hail, all ye people to our ancient prayer,
In this Mighty Fortress let our faith be known.
Joining together with one dream to share.
God bless the people of this world so fair.
Lonely the exile o’er distant seas,
the home of their birth, gone, gone from their eyes.
Bring back our spirits to you and your path,
to the land where our fathers lie.
Rise, all ye people, let our voices ring.
In this Mighty Fortress of our God and King.
Whom, mercy, grace, and joy to all will bring.
Come, let your heart with love and courage sing.
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Permission to broadcast the music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-708462